Monday 19 August 2013

Our Beginners Guide to Twitter

Twitter is, by far, our most favourite Social Media platform. We know we shouldn’t pick a favourite seeing as we love all Social Media, and all platforms have their unique and special uses, but Twitter still gets our best seal of approval. 

We still come across business owners who do not really know what it is or what to do with it.
Please note we do not recommend mixing your business (branded) twitter account and personal account. We advise our clients to set up 2 accounts i.e. one for your business, under your business name and another under your own personal name.

This avoids confusion over who your followers are interacting with and leaves a more professional social footprint behind you. 

Therefore we have written a basic guide to Twitter, this is part 1 of 2:
What is Twitter?

Twitter is a fast moving social media platform (micro blogging site) which allows you to write 140 character posts (tweets) which displays to your followers. So basically a tweet is a 140 character status or message.

Once you have set your account up, you can start following people. We recommend following industry related companies and people. Don’t be afraid to follow as many as you like as the social etiquette here is different to Facebook (where you’re only meant to connect with your friends) follow all those that you find interesting or relative to what you do or where you are based. Follow you favourite brands and places you visit to engage with conversation with them.

Following Vs Followers?

As the term suggests ‘Following’ are the people/brands that you have chosen to follow on Twitter, their tweets will be displayed to you on your homepage. Those that you are following will be sent an alert to let them know you are following them. ‘Followers’ are the people who have chosen to follow you, so your tweets will be displayed to them. Again you are notified as to who is following you.

What Does the ‘@’ symbol mean or do?

The @ symbol gives you your twitter handle (name) so One Media Solutions is @OneMediaS you can use twitter handles to mention people/companies in your tweets. (they are notified when you mention then) E.G. “ We think @OneMediaS is the best online marketing agency in the world”

Re-Tweet or RT?

A Re-Tweet is when one of your follows has re-tweeted something you have written. This means the tweet you have written will be displayed to all their followers. Re-Tweets normally occur when you have tweeted something interesting / funny (you want to encourage RT’s if you’re a business as it increases your exposure and message).

Remember folks this is only part 1. Part 2 will be blogged tomorrow and will include our guide to:
Hashtags, how to encourage a following and promote your business over twitter.

If you’re really stuck when it comes to Twitter or you do not feel you are managing your account as best you could be then use One MediaSolutions as your Social Media Agency

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